
Life Moments

Hangin at the beach 

Long weekend, sunshine, and sand. Here we are at the beach, making like it is summertime.  Ok, so more like spring-time in BC, and it is a hot day.  And, while I was down at the beach, I posted this entry using the WP app...
Info Tech

WordCamp 2013 notes 

I attended WordCamp 2013 (Victoria, BC) this past weekend, my first time at the event.  As a WordPress enthusiast, I was looking forward to meeting some like-minded folks, to network, and learn some techie stuff about WordPress. I really enjoyed the Experts Panel which was...
Home Stuff

saturday night mix 

Locked into this really sweet mix by Lemonade on the XLR8R podcast series tonight. A great find, while out walking the dog. I was searching iTunes for “rock podcast” and came up with this great blend of electronic music styles which deserves another play or...