Somebody in the posse had an idea to get down to the waterfront for a cold plunge around 10 AM to start the day (and the year!) off right!


So, we weren’t the only posse with that idea. Turns out a bunch of regular plungers got their plunge done before we got there, and were enjoying a few wee hot toddies by the time we unpacked our gear!

Overcast conditions today were a little brisk, but at least it wasn’t raining! Speaking of rain, that must have been the source of the poor water-quality reading down at Ross Bay – Eberts beach this morning. I checked the Surfrider water quality results for the local beaches, and discovered that Ross Bay – St Charles was the preferred location for a plunge today.

The water was 9 Celcius this morning, so very refreshing for sure! When we got out, there were quite a number of polar bear swimmers that had joined us.

The polar bear swimmers strip down to trunks, run in to the water, then leap out quickly. The cold plungers tend to swim and/or just dunk in for a few minutes. I did 9 minutes at 9 Celcius, so was feeling a spike of dopamine after that!

polar bear swimmers