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Home Stuff

making panettone at home 

Seasonally speaking, this is the time of year for enjoying panettone. You might be able to find a few panettone left at your local bakery, or grocery outlet – indeed I saw a few left at the store yesterday. They hadn’t been picked up before…

Life Moments

seasonal blogging 

Yes, I see that I was blogging in the summer, while on the road. And now here we are in Winter. Could be that I’ve become a seasonal blogger ? Yah, that’s it! Let’s break all those rules about blogging regularly, and blog at only…

Life Moments

Hangin at the beach 

Long weekend, sunshine, and sand. Here we are at the beach, making like it is summertime.  Ok, so more like spring-time in BC, and it is a hot day.  And, while I was down at the beach, I posted this entry using the WP app…

Info Tech

WordCamp 2013 notes 

I attended WordCamp 2013 (Victoria, BC) this past weekend, my first time at the event.  As a WordPress enthusiast, I was looking forward to meeting some like-minded folks, to network, and learn some techie stuff about WordPress. I really enjoyed the Experts Panel which was…

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